Natürliche Portraits
Dokumentarische Fotografie

It has been a few days since I was allowed to attend the Masterclass with Steffen Böttcher – also known as Stilpirat. Yes, the Stilpirat – great was the time together with Annelie, Michael, Nina and Matthias, which I was allowed to experience there – thank you all, who were a part of the whole. Steffen philosophized openly about all topics and unpacked his treasures.

What did it bring me? The big question behind every “investment”… he set a stone rolling that was waiting to be pushed. And it’s rolling now… and changes my life. Sometimes everything is just waiting for the small (or big) hint before you move or develop in a new direction. No idea where it leads me – but it is good… I don’t need to know more.

A few more pictures from the workshop…





Lass mich wissen, wie ich weiterhelfen kann!
