Feature Hochzeiten Hochzeitsreportage Wedding
Extraordinary wedding in Donaueschingen
After the “Get Together” the day before in Western style with bullriding the atmosphere was well heated up, today comes the festive part of the extraordinary wedding in Donaueschingen. The wedding reportage began in the historical, private walls with the “Getting Ready”, where the bride slipped into her wedding dress specially tailored for the day. The wedding ceremony with the many international guests took place in the baroque city church “St. Johann”. After the festive wedding ceremony, the reception took place in the large garden, where the huge fruit cake was cut with the words “Finally, a wedding cake I like”.
After a short break in which the men changed from cutaway to tuxedo – and the ladies cuddled up in their evening dress – the festive banquet continued in the ballroom. After the culinary delight, the wedding party changed to the exuberant celebration…
Now see for yourself what is difficult to put into words…